Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Live in L.A.
James Heddle James Heddle

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Live in L.A.

Set in the year 2032 and told through the eyes of fictional newspaper journalist Michael Powell of the ‘East Bay Times,’ novelist Roger Gloss’s prescient cautionary tale opens with Powell’s dispatch covering a State-of-the-State speech by Governor Teresa Morales.

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Refurbished Three Mile Island Payment Structure Is Not Quite What It Seems
James Heddle James Heddle

Refurbished Three Mile Island Payment Structure Is Not Quite What It Seems

Two weeks ago, the news was filled with reports that Reactor 1 at the Three Mile Island nuclear generating station, which was shut down in 2019, will be refurbished and put back into service for another 20 years or more. Its sole customer will be Microsoft, which needs a lot of electricity to operate its data centers. Reactor 2 is the one that melted down in 1979. It is in the process of being dismantled.

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Hoodwinked in the Hothouse
James Heddle James Heddle

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse

Its title is Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Resist False Solutions to Climate Change, is now in its third edition and can be accessed—for free— online. It was put together by “an international coalition of organization and activists,” relates the “Hoodwinked Collaborative” that “was convened to produce and distribute the groundbreaking publication on false solutions to the climate crisis.”

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Congress should pass the Federal Food Administration Act
James Heddle James Heddle

Congress should pass the Federal Food Administration Act

FDA is supposed to oversee 80 percent of the food supply, but concentrates more on drugs, and has a track record of glacial action and many failures regarding foodborne illnesses. We should have a single, central agency whose one, clear mission is keeping Americans’ food safe. 

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Sides with Environmental Groups to Review Seismic Risks at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant
James Heddle James Heddle

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Sides with Environmental Groups to Review Seismic Risks at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant

 In a notable and unexpected move, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Petition Review Board (PRB) has agreed to reevaluate the seismic risks at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. This action follows compelling testimony from seismic expert Peter Bird, Ph.D, prompting the board to prioritize safety concerns at the aging facility situated atop and adjacent to multiple thrust faults.

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