Hiroshima Seen: Canada and the Atom Bomb
James Heddle James Heddle

Hiroshima Seen: Canada and the Atom Bomb

This exhibition shows how Canadian uranium and Canadian scientists contributed to the development of the atom bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945. Through Canadian government intervention and nationalization during World War II, mining ventures and industrial processing at Port Radium in the Northwest Territories, in Port Hope, Ontario, and in Trail, B.C. were integrated into the American Manhattan Project that ushered in the nuclear weapons age threatening human civilization today.

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Diablo Update
James Heddle James Heddle

Diablo Update

Environmental groups are outraged at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s irresponsible decision to deny a public hearing on crucial safety issues in the license renewal application process of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. These include seismic risks, vulnerability of the critical reactor pressure vessel to rupture and non-compliance with coastal regulations.

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Rolling Stewardship of Nuclear Waste
James Heddle James Heddle

Rolling Stewardship of Nuclear Waste

Rolling Stewardship is not a solution to the radioactive waste problem, but an acknowledgement that we do not have a solution. Instead of assuming a solution exists, we should recognize that there is no proven solution.

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Citizens turn up heat on radiation-troubled field lab
James Heddle James Heddle

Citizens turn up heat on radiation-troubled field lab

Coinciding with the 65th anniversary of what they consider “one of America’s worst nuclear meltdowns,” Santa Susana Field Lab cleanup advocates hosted an “action assembly” at Strathearn Historic Park in Simi Valley July 13 hoping to get the Board of Supervisors of both Ventura and Los Angeles counties to file a lawsuit against state regulators in charge of cleaning up the site’s radioactive soil.

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