We Do Not Concede to this Corporate Coup Attempt!
Now our resistance must move from the legislature to the courts… and the streets.
By James Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan
European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. Editorial credit: glen photo Shutterstock.com
Despite the California vote to extend operating the dangerously old and unmaintained reactors at Diablo Canyon nuclear power station, we at EON are not giving up.
In the last weeks, as public awareness has increased around this issue, we have been encouraged by what we see as a rekindling and re-invigoration of California’s powerful, but recently dormant nuclear free movement.
We will persist in our efforts to educate and warn about the severe, long lasting risks this decision to extend Diablo means to our gorgeous state as well as to the entire planet.
We will continue to promote the truth about the various viable alternatives to this backwards turn of California energy policy. Decentralized, flexible energy sources on micro grids provide the answer for reliable energy in turbulent times.
We will also be releasing our documentary soon about the enormous problem of radioactive waste: The San Onofre Syndrome .
Blackout Fear Porn Carries the Night
September 1, 2022
The fix was in. Just past midnight this morning, gormless legislators in both the state Senate and Assembly fell to their knees at the feet of a serial felon corporation, leaving no doubt as to who rules California, and confirming Gavin Newsom as PG&E’s Sock-puppet-in-Chief.
The scripted talking point on many legislators’ lips, “We have no choice,” is the familiar lament of compliant subjects in a totalitarian dictatorship. Nuclear power is the quintessential totalitarian technology, joined at the hip with nuclear weapons and radioactive waste.
Extending Diablo’s operation is dumb, dangerous and tragically irresponsible:
PG&E has not maintained inspections and repairs at Diablo for several years since shutdown has been scheduled
Its components are degraded and one reactor rated as the nation’s most embrittled
Its 2 reactors sit on multiple intersecting earthquake faults
An earthquake would likely exceed the aged plant’s seismic design limits
Diablo does not meet ‘once-through cooling’ legal requirements & is deadly to sea life
Diablo routinely releases radioactivity during normal operation into the ocean and air
The Diablo site has no space to store additional spent fuel from extended operation
The current method of storing the lethal radioactive waste onsite is totally inadequate
Producing tons more of intensely radioactive waste lasting millions of years is outrageously immoral
Reversing the shutdown process at this late date would be very high-risk and expensive
After decades of denial. Nuclear Revival Cultists are now admitting – actually as a selling point – that the commercial nuclear power infrastructure and its trained workforce are vital to preserving nuclear weapons production.
Pessimism without certainty
Optimism without denial
Cultivation of expectation of pleasant surprise
James Heddle, Mary Beth Brangan – EON – the Ecological Options Network