A special (nuclear) relationship
James Heddle James Heddle

A special (nuclear) relationship

Much that feeds war can be notched up to the US/UK special relationship, but it goes far beyond providing diplomatic and military cover and assistance to US enterprises. That relationship is also responsible for the development of the UK’s nuclear arsenal and its continued possession of these weapons of mass destruction.  

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The Lying Piper of Nukeland
James Heddle James Heddle

The Lying Piper of Nukeland

On March 21, more than 40 groups, mainly from Europe, protested the false promises and nuclear fairy tales being spun at the March 21 International Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels. Prior to our fairy tale-themed rally close to the venue we issued a declaration signed by 621 organizations from across the world and issued a press release.

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Make (some) nukes history
James Heddle James Heddle

Make (some) nukes history

The Make Nukes History campaign aims to raise public awareness about the civilization-ending risks posed by today’s nuclear arsenals. It reminds us that while Oppenheimer is a history lesson, nuclear weapons are very much still with us, but that we can put an end to what J. Robert Oppenheimer started.

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