Nuclear Battlespaces Global Radioactive Roulette

By Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle - EON

The Devils in Diablo's Details

Munitions and lies are flying around Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power complex - the biggest of its kind in Europe – reminding us once again that all nuclear facilities are always ticking time bombs, and especially so when they’re in a war zone.

Meanwhile, California’s last nuke standing - the aptly-named Diablo Canyon - has become a battle zone of its own, as diehard nuclear revivalists fight to resurrect the almost-zombie nuke now scheduled for shutdown in two years.

Because Diablo has been slated for shuttering,  the operator, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), has been giving short shrift to inspection, repair and maintenance for several years.

Reversing the shutdown process at this late date could be catastrophic.

If that makes your blood boil, there’s an opportunity to join yours with other opposing voices via Zoom at a hearing this Friday.

Here are some and how- and why-to-get involved links:

Attend and SPEAK
at the Joint-Agency Workshop
on Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant

Your Voice is Vital! AS SOON AS YOU CONNECT via ZOOM or PHONE, RAISE YOUR VIRTUAL HAND TO GET IN THE QUEUE TO SPEAK!!!  We won't know who else is on but must do our best to pack the meeting and make our to identify as an individual because groups only get 3 minutes each. TALKING POINTS below.

Friday, August 12, 2022

4 - 7pm PT

The California Energy Commission (CEC), Office of Governor Newsom, and the California Independent System Operator (ISO) are holding a joint remote workshop to discuss California’s energy situation and the plan to potentially extend the operating license of Diablo Canyon.

There will be time allotted for public comment.

It is crucial that hundreds of people attend and/or send comments expressing strong dissent on the proposal to continue operation of Diablo Canyon beyond 2025.

Details for attendance

Written Comments

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Mothers for Peace Video Briefing - June 6, 2022

Brilliant presentations all – Tim Judson uses PG&E’s own slides that show why Diablo Canyon should be shut down.  Robert Freehling explains how Diablo’s energy is already replaced – several times. And more fascinating talks..

Mothers for Peace Press Conference recorded on Zoom on July 21st.

Hope you can take the time to watch. The information from seismologist Sam Blakeslee, Friends of the Earth's Erich Pica, NRDC's Ralph Cavanaugh, and former NRC Commissioner Peter Bradford is compelling.

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